Are you looking to delete your Instagram account on your iPhone? In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to permanently delete your Instagram account on your iPhone. Before we proceed, it's essential to note that deleting your Instagram account is irreversible, and all your photos, videos, comments, and likes will be permanently deleted. So, make sure you've backed up all your Instagram data before proceeding.

Here are the steps to delete your Instagram account on an iPhone:

Note that deleting your Instagram account will not cancel any subscriptions you may have signed up for through the app. You'll need to cancel those subscriptions separately through the App Store or Google Play Store.

In conclusion, deleting your Instagram account on an iPhone is a simple process, but make sure you've backed up all your data before proceeding. Remember, this is an irreversible action, and you won't be able to retrieve any of the content you shared on the platform. If you're sure you want to delete your account, follow the steps above, and your Instagram account will be deleted permanently.